Gz Vocal Chain
Mc Grizz
This is my personal vocal chain. I use it on every vocals. This chain will speed up your production process by already setting up eq's like low cuts, compressor, dynamics and adding more quality and presence to the vocal.
In this rack you will get a 3 chain with the Dry, reverb, and delay signal that you mix the volume of. Theses chains are automatically sidechained to the dry vocal for more clarity and can be edited at all time.
This chain doesn't require 3rd party Vst.
If you bought this version and want mine with the 3rd partys, which includes PRO-C, PRO-Q, soothe2, EchoBoy (for delay), Raum (For the reverb), just hit me up and I'll give it out.
You'll get 1 Ableton 11 Vocal Rack
Reverb/delay/sidechained setup
Time saving
Time saving
Drag and drop
Time saving
19.8 KB
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